01582 269 978

5 Star service as standard


There is a reason you would want someone to manage your properties, and the tenants, and all affairs concerning the properties for you, we get that. It might be for lack of time, experience, expertise, or just in need of space and convenience. We will try to understand what matters more to you when we take on management of your property, and dish that out to you in abundance. For whatever reason you would want your property managed, be very sure that we get it, and we will deliver on that.

We can offer all-inclusive service of tenant-find, rent-collection, and management, or just manage the property for you if you have found the tenant already, or tired of the poor service quality of your existing letting agent. This means that at whatever stage you are in your property rental journey, we can meet you there, and take it from there, to enable you focus on other things that matter to you.

We ensure your rents are collected on time, detecting arrears and potential problem from an early stage, and making efforts to deal with them before they get out of hand. Effective communication and accessibility between us and the tenants and landlords is what stands us out from the rest, as we are just one phone call away from dealing with a problem, be it maintenance, repairs, or legal issues. You can count on us for prompt response.

We can offer rent-guarantee schemes if required (comes at a cost), but ensures your rents are paid round the clock, and no voids.

Our landlords receive regular statements from us, notifying them of the financial and other states of affairs of their properties. This keeps them always in the loop and up-to-date with their property affairs and guarantees peace of mind.

Our in-house team of builders, handymen, and tradesmen are always on hand to move in and sort little issues out before they turn to major issues. We carry out regular inspection of the properties, making sure nothing is left ignored, or unattended to.

Our management fees reflect our hybrid nature, and the cost advantage it gives us, which means we can offer you high street service, or even better, at lower costs than the high street, with the personal touch still intact.

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